MatrixSpace Wins AUVSI XCELLENCE Award

Well this is exciting.
MatrixSpace has been named a third place winner in the Enabling Components & Peripherals category of the XCELLENCE Awards by the Association for Uncrewed Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI).
The AUVSI XCELLENCE Awards honor innovators with a demonstrated commitment to advancing autonomy, leading, and promoting safe adoption of uncrewed systems and developing programs that use these technologies to save lives and improve the human condition.

MatrixSpace was selected from a pool of accomplished applicants for its work in uncrewed systems technology. Winners were announced at the XCELLENCE awards ceremony during AUVSI XPONENTIAL on Tuesday, May 9.
Quote from Keely Griffith, Vice President of strategic Programs at AUVSI.
“This year, XPONENTIAL is all about designing a shared plan for the future of autonomy so there’s no better place to announce the 2023 XCELLENCE award finalists. Together, they are redefining what’s possible with uncrewed and robotic technology.”
Quote from Lori DeMatteis, Chief Revenue Officer, MatrixSpace
“We’re thrilled to be recognized by the AUVSI community and excited to see how we can solve very real-world problems with this new approach to marrying radar with AI. The response here at XPONENTIAL has been incredible and validated our belief that we can personalize the outdoors in a way not previously possible. “
MatrixSpace Radar™ is the first offering of a highly differentiated series of AI sensing products addressing the need for affordable, long-distance sensing, tracking, monitoring and inspection solutions for use on the ground or in the air. It is the smallest, lightest and most portable high-performance radar available, opening opportunities for previously unaffordable or completely new applications. Digitizing the outdoors is the ability to measure the size, location, and movement of objects in time, shifting reliance from human sensing to a far more detailed recognition of objects and their movements.
Learn more at MatrixSpace Radar, Drone Detection, and AI Sensing.
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